Nano ASP.NET SaaS Boilerplate
Admin credentials (all tenants): / Password123!
Sample data resets every hour

Version 2.2

This is a relatively small release, with some house-keeping surrounding the tenant endpoints. Also a few UI improvements and a bug fix.

You can update your previous CLI tool just by grabbing the new version and running the install steps again (notice the NuGet name is now 2.2). This will only update the templates, and not affect any projects you've already created.

New Tenant Endpoint

We've refactored the the GET /tenants endpoint which previously returned a list of tenants with full details. While this endpoint is mainly for the tenant management table, it also was used to populate the tenant selection dropdown on the login screens, and allowed anonymous requests in order to do so.

The GET /tenants endpoint no longer allows anonymous requests. A new endpoint GET /tenants/tenant-options does allow anonymous requests. This new endpoint returns a list of TenantOptionDTO. A TenantOptionDTO has only the name and id of the tenants, and it used to populate the selection dropdowns.

A mapping configuration has been added for the new DTO. Also, the postman collection has been updated to include the new endpoint.

Create New Tenant UI

When creating a new tenant, there is now a checkbox switch on the form to specify if the tenant should be on an isolated database. In previous versions, the functionality for isolating databases was there, but the UI was not implemented. Any UI elements referring to 'tenant key' have been relabeled as 'tenant id' to make things less confusing. These changes have been added to React, Vue, and Razor versions.

Vue Multi-Select and Date Picker

We've added two powerful new components to the Vue UI. The Vue-Multiselect and the Vue Date Picker. These components can be extensively configured. All the styles has been added already so that these components blend perfectly into the rest of the UI.

Bug Fix

There was one issue when scaffolding a multidb project in that an extra DbSnapshot was created. This bug has been eliminated.