Accelerate SaaS development with a
Multi-Tenant ASP.NET Boilerplate
A clean architecture ASP.NET 8 multi-tenant API, with Vue, React and Razor Pages UI. The ideal starter template for building SaaS, B2B, & MVPs.
Introducing the Nano CLI
Generate custom solutions with parameters for multi-tenancy and user interface. Scaffold projects and new features instantly; build your next web application faster than ever before.
Name your project
Multi-Tenant Options
UI Options
The Nano ASP.NET boilerplate is an adaptable project template distributed as a NuGet package. Read about using the CLI tool to scaffold projects, services, and API controllers; or follow the getting started with Nano tutorial.
Essential SaaS MVP Features
Don't start from scratch. Focus on building essential business logic instead of security, user management, and standard functionality. Jumpstart your next MVP with a modern ASP.NET 8 SaaS Boilerplate.
ASP.NET 8 API Boilerplate
This ASP.NET Core API boilerplate is built around multi-tenancy and clean architecture, with as little distraction as possible. It's well documented and easily adaptable.
Latest .NET 8 Framework
Create your next SaaS project with ASP.NET, a powerful, open-source, server-side framework. Build with a modern boilerplate that is always kept up to date.
Maintainable Codebase
Implements a layered web architecture following SOLID principles for clean separation of concerns. Built with a minimalist design philosophy well suited for small teams and individuals.
22+ API Endpoints
A complete ASP.NET Boilerplate consisting of 22 API endpoints, covering all the core functionality of a SaaS platform. Save weeks coding architecture and repetitive base features and reduce time to market
Extensive Documentation
Don't get lost with undocumented open source projects left by the wayside. Coordinate efforts with clear documentation and commented code and start writing productive code in no time.
Multi-Tenant with ASP Identity
Run a single instance of the app for multiple clients with total data isolation. Easy to follow multi-tenant SaaS architecture adaptable to your business model with no hidden abstractions or 3rd-party dependencies
Multiple UI Projects
The full stack boilerplate includes three front-end projects. Build a modern single page application with Vue or React, or traditional MVC Razor pages
Clean Architecture
The Nano ASP.NET Boilerplate is built with scalability and maintainability in mind. The .NET API is divided into distinct layers with minimal dependencies and a complete separation between client projects and back-end API.
Build multi-tenant applications with confidence. The Nano ASP.NET Boilerplate implements multi-tenancy using middleware and query filters which are familiar to any .NET developer. Gain a clear understanding of tenant isolation and tailor the solution to your needs in a fraction of the time of rolling your own.
Application Infrastructure
The Nano ASP.NET Boilerplate includes infrastructure common to SaaS applications like sending mail, image handling, and DTO mapping. Eliminate hours configuring essential integrations.
Unlimited License
Get access to the source code and use on unlimited projects. Accounts never expire and you can download updates for life.
Front-End Templates
Create beautiful front-ends with Vue, React or MVC Razor. Each UI project contains all the elements you need to create highly functional and modern looking user interfaces.
App Structure
Avoid spending hours constructing layouts, navigation, views, utility code and finding the most useful libraries. Benefit from seeing it done comparatively across technologies.
UI Components
An organized collection of styled components is available alongside the core boilerplate pages, which includes everything from tables to graphs, form input, and bootstrap elements.
Shared Styles
A versatile SASS style built on top of Bootstrap 5, underpins the visual presentation across all three projects.
Data Tables
Data tables are critical components in web applications. You’ll find client-side and server-side table implementations with pagination, sorting, and filtering.
Authorization & Roles
Security and user control made possible by use of JWT tokens in single pages apps, and cookies on server-rendered Razor pages.
Light / Dark Mode
The Vue, React, and Razor UI all support light and dark mode, which users can toggle or set in preferences
Multiple UI Versions
We’ve built three versions of the same UI so you can build with your preferred front-end tech. Whether you prefer JS frameworks, Vue and React, or traditional MVC Razor pages, you’ll have the choice between three full-featured projects.
Documentation and Support
Documentation that covers every aspect of the Nano ASP.NET Boilerplate, organized by topic and updated frequently. Developer support provided via live chat or email, in a quick and timely manner.
Technical Documentation
In addition to the code being fully commented, on this site you can find setup guides and documentation, which will be regularly updated and added to.
Complementary Onboarding Meeting
After your purchase you will receive an invitation to schedule an onboarding meeting. Complementary walkthrough and code explanations on request.
Email & Live Chat Support
We value all of our customers and promise to provide personal support to everyone. Response time is typically the same day. You can contact us anytime via chat widget or email.
Development Services
Whether you need a fully blown SaaS, a web application or just a website, we can help. With years of development experience, we can help you validate your ideas and turn them into successful MVPs. Don't hesitate to reach out and provide us with the specifics.